Beyond the Classroom

Excursions are an important part of the learning experiences of all students from Prep to Year 6. They support quality curriculum delivery and provide important social and emotional development opportunities for students that are often not available in the classroom. These might include teamwork, resilience and confidence-building through challenge, problem-solving, connecting with nature, creative and imaginative play and coordination.

Notifications, consent and payments for all events are made through Compass.


Excursions are activities organised by the school where the students:

  • Are taken out of the school grounds
  • Engage in activities intended to enhance or extend classroom-based learning experiences
  • Develop independence and confidence in a range of situations

Incursions are activities that meet the above criteria, but are held on the school site.

Teachers plan these events well in advance, allowing parents sufficient time to complete consent and payment requirements.

All notifications and payments will be managed through the Compass portal. CSEF funds may be used to cover the cost of these events.


Mickleham Primary School Camping Program is extensive and progressively builds student skills and independence. Our program includes:

  • Prep Lullabies – typically held in Term 3 and involves the children returning to school at approximately 6:00pm, in their pyjamas to engage in fun activities with their classmates
  • Grade 1 Breakfast – the children come to school in their pyjamas and have breakfast with their classmates. They then get dressed ready for the school day
  • Grade 2 Sleep-over – the children return to school at approximately 6:00pm, have dinner and engage in a range of activities with their classmates before watching a movie and sleeping in classrooms in the Bottle Brush building
  • Grade 3/4 Camp – alternating between a bush activity and an indigenous awareness setting, the children travel by bus to a three day/two-night experience. They sleep in cabins with their friends. The children engage in a wide variety of activities as well as learn about being a co-operative team member as they set the table and do dishes together
  • Grade 5/6 Camp – alternating between a water activity and a snow day camp, the children travel by bus to a three or four day/two or three-night experience. They sleep in dormitories or cabins with their friends. The children engage in a wide variety of activities related to team building, environmental awareness, water safety as well as learn about being a co-operative team member as they set the table and do dishes together.

Parents will be required to complete consent and medical forms as well as make payments through Compass. CSEF funds may be used and payment plans can be established to assist families with managing the cost involved.

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